Finally, a knowledge base that’s always up to date

Combine your help content with the best answers from your user community

Create a powerful knowledge base with the help of your expert users

Better quality

Powerful functionality for a higher quality knowledge base.


A fast and smooth experience means happier customers.

Easy knowledge

Moderation, monitoring, and management tools.

Faster, better quality answers

A powerful platform for better quality self-service support

Rich media articles: Embed music, videos and interactive content from your favorite platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify, Typeform, etc.) in our intuitive text editor.

Structure content: Clearly organize your articles into categories: Simply drag and drop topics where they belong.

Content helpfulness ratings: Allow users to mark best answers, give feedback, and rate how helpful content really is.

Highlight content: Pin popular articles and highlight user replies to make sure the most helpful answers are at the tip of your customers’ fingertips.

A smoother experience
for happier customers

Make it easy for your customers to find what
they need on your knowledge base

Fast and smart search: Get the most relevant content to your users faster with smart search suggestions.

SEO-ready: All your content is completely optimized for Google, so users find the answers to their questions as soon as they search online.

Easily accessible help content: Embed your knowledge base content across your site.

Ticket escalation: No answer available on the knowledge base? Easily escalate complex tickets to your help desk with API integrations.

Easy knowledge management

Publish and manage your help content on one intuitive platform

Moderation tool: Stay on top of newly created content with activity updates, and choose whether to approve replies before they go public.

Content monitoring: Understand the most successful content and fill gaps in your knowledge base.

Multiple knowledge bases: Create multiple knowledge bases for different regions or brands. Each one is unique so you can manage permissions and customize themes accordingly.

Powerful API: Our flexible API enables you to measure, share, create and interact with your knowledge base like no other platform.

Article editing tools: It’s easy to collaborate and prepare knowledge base articles before publishing, while article versioning allows you to review all changes made to the content in the article.

Article publishing tools: Schedule a draft article to be published on a particular date/time in the future and post perfectly-formatted articles with article preview.

Free eBook: The Business Value of B2B User Communities

Find out how online communities boost your Customer Success, drive customer engagement and grow your bottom line.

Download this eBook and discover:
  • Four key business benefits of user communities
  • How community content boosts self-service and customer engagement
  • Three real world examples of how communities drive tangible business success

See our Knowledge Base in action.

Book a demo with one of our experts. They’ll be happy to hear from you.

Check out the other elements of the inSided platform: